Song for Sara på Spotify.
2014-02-12 @ 12:41:58
Nu finns Malin Frimodig ute på Spotify med två album, Naked och One More Lovesong. Där finns även låten Song for Sara som hon skrev till mig. In på Spotify och lyssna på Malins klara röst och oslagbara melodier!

Malin Frimodig - Song for Sara
2009-06-15 @ 23:15:47
Det var en overklig, nästan magisk stund när Malin satte sig ner med mig och spelade en låt hon skrivit till mig, för mig. Hennes röst och hennes musik har jag alltid älskat och beundrat, men det här var någonting mellan henne och mig. Hon summerade min kamp och gjorde den till sin också. Det är svårbeskrivligt och känsloladdat, storslaget och jag inser att jag är en otroligt lyckligt lottad människa som har en vän i henne. Song for Sara är en av de största gåvorna jag någonsin fått. Och jag vill att alla ska få höra den.
Här är den inspelade versionen av låten, som alla kan ladda hem:
Låten går även att lyssna på här på min sida, till höger i menyn.
Jag uppmanar alla att gå in på och lyssna på hennes musik. Alla låtar går att streama och att ladda ner.
Song for Sara
"She’s sleeping already
what a blessing such a good pill
a dreamless dream but she’s a dreamer
she used to talk about freedom
and how she would beat them
the demons and the beetles in her head
but now she is sleeping
while living and breathing
and nothing seems to matter anymore
and the drugs keep on working
and the corner she’s turning is
turning her away from me
and i die over and over
but she cannot see me
or even the stars above
or hear the choir that’s singing
when the church bells are ringing in to hell
she rather die out in the cold
and the choir goes
reminiscing ain’t that good
it’s well understood that
some eyes have seen more than they could handle
so even if she wanted you
prepare yourself cause she won’t show you
the depth of her agony
you see she’s an endless ocean
of love and devotion kept back
by the safety of the shore
and she ran to hide away this night
passing all the street lights
ending up in the middle of nowhere
laying down defeated and listening to the sound of bells
god himself
tells her
she’s already in there
to live or to die it’s up for her to decide
but the beauty of life is yet to be seen
so yes it is your choice but this is my voice
and i’m telling you you are worth all the warmth
so you are sleeping already
what a blessing such a good pill
a dreamless dream
but YOU ARE a dreamer "
Här är den inspelade versionen av låten, som alla kan ladda hem:
Låten går även att lyssna på här på min sida, till höger i menyn.
Jag uppmanar alla att gå in på och lyssna på hennes musik. Alla låtar går att streama och att ladda ner.
Song for Sara
"She’s sleeping already
what a blessing such a good pill
a dreamless dream but she’s a dreamer
she used to talk about freedom
and how she would beat them
the demons and the beetles in her head
but now she is sleeping
while living and breathing
and nothing seems to matter anymore
and the drugs keep on working
and the corner she’s turning is
turning her away from me
and i die over and over
but she cannot see me
or even the stars above
or hear the choir that’s singing
when the church bells are ringing in to hell
she rather die out in the cold
and the choir goes
reminiscing ain’t that good
it’s well understood that
some eyes have seen more than they could handle
so even if she wanted you
prepare yourself cause she won’t show you
the depth of her agony
you see she’s an endless ocean
of love and devotion kept back
by the safety of the shore
and she ran to hide away this night
passing all the street lights
ending up in the middle of nowhere
laying down defeated and listening to the sound of bells
god himself
tells her
she’s already in there
to live or to die it’s up for her to decide
but the beauty of life is yet to be seen
so yes it is your choice but this is my voice
and i’m telling you you are worth all the warmth
so you are sleeping already
what a blessing such a good pill
a dreamless dream
but YOU ARE a dreamer "